影片导演 | AleksandarIvicic |
影片主演 | KevinTanski RobertWoodley ChrisClark WillMutka MikeSarcinelli Ka... |
电影类型 | 动作片 |
对话语言 | 英语 |
制作地区 | 美国 |
上映时间 | 2016 |
清晰程度 | |
收费状态 | 普通会员需0金币点播 VIP会员免金币点播 | 新注册获得100金币 |
微信版本 |
Five Spec Ops, Alpha Squad, head a simple Recon Mission that turns into an all out war for survival against a wave of undead experiments. Alpha Squad must fight, not just for the sake of their own survival, but the fate of the world.